Westchester County District Attorney’s Office & the New Rochelle Police Department host June 1 Community Gun Buyback at Shiloh Baptist Church

English flier, all information in text below

Date & Time: Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Shiloh Baptist Church - 185 Lincoln Avenue in New Rochelle.

  • This is an amnesty program. No identification will be required. No questions will be asked.
  • Eligible participants will receive pre-paid gift cards for surrendered firearms: $250 for assault rifles, $200 for hand guns, $100 for shot guns or rifles and $25 for non-working guns.
  • Guns must be unloaded and placed in a plastic bag, paper bag or box.
  • If transported by car, guns must be unloaded, and in the trunk, placed in a plastic bag, paper bag or box.
  • Payment is subject to inspection and screening onsite by officials.
  • There is no limit to the number of firearms that can be surrendered.
  • Licensed gun dealers and active or retired members of law enforcement are not eligible to participate.
  • 3-D printed guns or ghost guns are not eligible for the buyback program.

For additional questions, contact the DA’s Office at (914)955-3586 or NRPD at (914) 654-2300

Members of the press can contact the Press Office at (914) 955-3586 or media@westchesterda.net


La Fiscalía del Condado de Westchester y La Policía de New Rochelle organizan la Recompra Comunitaria de Armas el 1 de junio en la Iglesia Shiloh Baptist

English flier, all information in text below

Fecha y hora: sábado 1 de junio de 2024 de 10 a 14 horas.
Ubicación: Iglesia Shiloh Baptist - 185 Lincoln Avenue en New Rochelle.

  • Este es un programa de amnistía. No se requerirá identificación. No se harán preguntas.
  • Los participantes elegibles recibirán tarjetas de regalo prepagas por las armas de fuego entregadas: $250 por rifles de asalto, $200 por pistolas, $100 por escopetas o rifles y $25 por armas que no funcionan.
  • Las armas deben estar descargadas y colocadas en una bolsa de plástico, bolsa de papel o caja.
  • Si se transportan en automóvil, las armas deben estar descargadas y colocadas en el maletero en una bolsa de plástico, bolsa de papel o caja.
  • El pago está sujeto a inspección y control in situ por parte de funcionarios.
  • No hay límite en la cantidad de armas de fuego que se pueden entregar.
  • Los comerciantes de armas con licencia y los miembros activos o retirados de las fuerzas del orden no son elegibles para participar.
  • Las armas impresas en 3D o las armas fantasma no son elegibles para el programa de recompra.

Si tiene preguntas adicionales, comuníquese con la Fiscalía del Distrito al (914)955-3586 o NRPD al (914) 654-2300

Los miembros de la prensa pueden comunicarse con la Oficina de Prensa al (914) 955-3586 o media@westchesterda.net

Please contact the WCDAO Communications Office to access this archived press release by calling (914) 995-3414 or emailing media@westchesterda.net.

The Special Prosecutions Division (SPD) investigates and prosecutes cases of domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sex crimes and human trafficking. The Division is comprised of the Domestic Violence Bureau, the Child and Elder Abuse Bureau, the Sex Crimes Bureau, and the Victims’ Justice Center, which assists our prosecutors to support victims of crime.

Child abuse cases involve victims under the age of 16 and elder abuse cases are focused on victims older than 60, who have been physically victimized or harmed.

Specially-trained staff are on site to assist and support victims including domestic violence aides, trauma therapists and child welfare professionals. Language assistance is available.

Victims or witnesses of elder abuse can contact our Special Prosecutions Division at (914) 995-3000.

Victims or witnesses can contact our Special Prosecutions Division at (914) 995-3000.

test article

The law school internship program at the Westchester District Attorney’s Office is designed to provide students with valuable experience in all aspects of prosecutorial work. Interns are assigned to a Division/Bureau where they help prepare cases for hearings and trials, conduct research, write briefs and assist with investigations. In some cases, interns are given the opportunity to make court appearances pursuant to the student practice order. During the summer, the Office conducts various programs to enhance the internship experience such as a mock trial experience and presentations by various speakers.

Spring Semester (part-time, 10 to 15 hours per week): Begins in January and concludes in May. Applications due by Nov. 1

Summer Semester (full-time, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.): Begins in June and concludes in July/August. Applications due March 1.

Fall Semester (part-time, 10 to 15 hours per week): Begins in September and concludes in December. Applications due by Aug. 1

See available intern postings