July 6, 2020 -- As of Monday, July 6, 2020, new protocols are in place for the health and safety of the public as well as the employees of the court system at the Richard J. Daronco County Courthouse in White Plains. Upon entering the lobby, you will find not only the screening area for security but also health screenings for the coronavirus, COVID-19.
Whether you are in the courthouse because you are an attorney, a witness, a victim, a defendant or a visitor, wear a mask for your safety and that of others. Upon entering, you will be stopped by the New York State Court Officers assigned to the lobby and asked a series of health screening questions. In addition, an officer wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will take your temperature by infrared thermometer without physical contact.
Questions will include whether or not you have come into contact with or been exposed to a COVID-positive person. If your temperature is less than 100 F, and you answer "no" to the questions, you will be allowed to go through the security checkpoint to enter the building.
If your temperature is higher or if you have had contact with a COVID-positive person, you will be asked your name and your reason for being in the courthouse. If you are there for a legal matter, in addition to your name, the officer will register the case name, index number and the name of the judge who is scheduled, as well as the reason for your court visit (e.g., scheduled hearing or other proceeding). You are not obligated to provide this information. However, either way, you will be instructed:
- To leave the court facility immediately.
- If you are a represented party in a court matter, your must notify your attorney of the incident.
- If you are an unrepresented party in a court matter, you must contact the clerk's office (at a number provided) and seek further instructions.
Keeping everyone’s safety in mind, DA Scarpino said, “Please be patient. While this extra layer of health screening will take time, we hope you understand both the court system and our staff care deeply about the health and safety of everyone seeking help from the justice system. We are here to keep Westchester safe and, during this pandemic, taking these health precautions is another way to do so. Help us protect you and all the employees who are here to serve.”
In addition to screening upon entering the courthouse, other safety measures are in place. The building is undergoing additional cleaning measures; hand sanitizers are available to all; and elevators are limited to two occupants at a time. Please, follow directions clearly posted throughout the area.